
Just working on blogging can remind you that coming up with new ideas and multiple ways to present them is a daily challenge. No matter what you have accomplished, you have to start all over again. I’ve heard authors and TV writers complain of the same thing.

I wish I could remember who the author was, but he had just had a book published to good reviews and was still getting manuscripts either rejected or sent back for changes from other fronts. I remember an interview with a TV writer who said that the start of every work week was murder because he had to begin creating something from scratch all over again. Much like acting, one success in the field guarantees nothing. You really must love what you do and avoid  wrapping up your ego in the work. Not every work is liked by everyone and its often luck that gets a manuscript on the desk of the editor that likes your idea/style.

Coming up with new ideas is either maddening or inspiring. I’d say that when the ideas pop into my head or jump up from a photo or conversation, I feel energized. When an assignment dictates the parameters, the performance anxiety can pop in or the feeling of disinterest may buck up and stymie the initial process. It’s a whole psychological study isn’t it? Especially since so many stick to the job (hobby or professionally) through it all.


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Heron Moon Press

I am a professional writer and editor who, for many years, taught composition in the English Departments at Pace University and Raritan Valley Community College. I've tutored those as young as grade-school age to Graduate-School students and guided them into both competency in writing and a love of communication. I embrace fiction, nonfiction, and memoirs. You can learn to write well in a quiet space. Or you can collaborate and offer the world (yes, the world is your community) a chance to create a narrative together. The results can be amazing.

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